Sobre nós

Terms and conditions

The ITBase Group is made up of the entity described below, constituting itself for all purposes as the Holder of these Terms of Use: ITBase - Soluções Informáticas S.A. (ITBase), with its registered office in Portugal, at Travessa José Sampaio Bruno, n.º 14 - Loja 8, 8500-763 Portimão, is registered at the Commercial Registry Office of Lisbon with the unique registration number and NIPC (legal person identification number) 508377005 and has a share capital of €61,000.00.Translated with (free version)

Acceptance of the Terms of Use
By accessing this website, the user declares to have read, understood and accepted the Terms of Use described on this page, without the need for any subsequent act or consent. The ITBase Group reserves the right to change these at any time, updating, altering, deleting or adding content, without prior notice and as often as it deems necessary. For this reason, the user is advised to visit the site regularly. Any improvement to the site and its features, including the launch of new tools and resources, is subject to the conditions set out in the Terms of Use. Continued use of the site after the changes have been made implies acceptance of them. The user expressly accepts and assumes any risks arising from the use of this website. The Terms of Use may be checked at any time in its most up-to-date version at

All the content on this website - texts, images, graphics, downloads, sounds, videos, animations, as well as the way they are graphically represented, together with the layout and structure of the website, constitute materials and information subject to copyright held by the ITBase Group and reserved for the entities that make up the same (ITBase). The ITBase Group does not grant any license or property rights over these materials and information, and their use and reproduction is not permitted unless expressly authorized in writing by ITBase.

Links to third-party sites
This website may provide links to third-party pages that are not owned, operated or controlled by ITBase. Therefore, with the exception of sites relating to products developed by the ITBase Group, ITBase is not responsible for their content, and the use of these links is at the user's own risk.

ITBase Group may discontinue this website at any time without prior notice.

ITBase Group disclaims any liability for errors that may occur as a result of temporary or permanent errors or system failures of the website, applications or other tools. To the maximum extent possible under applicable law, ITBase Group shall not be liable for any damages resulting from the use or inability to use this website.

Applicable Law
Governed by and drawn up in accordance with Portuguese law, any conflict or divergence of interpretation of these Terms of Use shall be submitted to the competent Portuguese court.

Registered Users
Only users aged 18 or over can have accounts with access to the reserved area. To gain access, in addition to having purchased one of the ITBase solutions, the user must provide their full name, a valid email address and any other information that is additionally requested by ITBase, as service providers. Each LOGIN is personal and non-transferable, and the same LOGIN may not be used by several people - you can always create as many users as your status or service subscription plan allows. Each user is entirely responsible for maintaining the security of their account and personal password. ITBase shall under no circumstances be held liable for any loss or damage arising from the user's failure to comply with this security obligation. The user is strictly responsible for all the content entered into their account and the activity that takes place on it, as well as all the risks and costs inherent in using the site. The user may not use this website or any existing materials and content belonging to it for illegal/illegal, fraudulent or unauthorized purposes, and undertakes to respect all jurisdictional laws, in particular those relating to Copyright. The ITBase Group does not claim intellectual property rights over any materials and content inserted by the user on the website, provided that they fully comply with the Terms of Use set out herein.Violation of any conditions set out in the Terms of Use gives ITBase the right to terminate the user account of the offender at its discretion.

Any doubts or questions regarding the Terms of Use of this website should be referred to


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